August 27, 2001
I have done a lot of research on the internet and your site came up and proved to be the most helpful in answering my questions and preparing me for what to expect in purchasing a
Thank you!
Carol Berreckman
carol #at# catalianimaging #dot# com |
November 21,
Excellent site. Found it via search engine while learning COFI
ARMs. Most up-to-date information I have found and I have looked and looked.
Thanks, please keep it going. I'll bookmark and be back.
Thank you,
dnwillburn #at# snet #dot# net |
November 5, 2003
Great website. It has the most comprehensive information on the
web. The part that I needed was a comparison for adjustable rates. Your site had that.
Dan #at# consumersnational #dot# com |
February 14, 2002
I just wanted to let you know your web site has given me a lot of useful information, and has helped me so much in my process of purchasing my first home. Keep up the great work, I don't know what I would have done with out it.
Again Thank You,
Steven B. Carpenter
sbc3 #at# prodigy #dot# net |
November 18, 2004
I'm a former banker who once sold mortgage products.
I want you to know your website is the best I've ever seen for mortgage information.
Great job!
Arno Berry
arnoberry #at# hotmail #dot# com
June 11, 2000
I'm a loan officer who was searching for a clear, precise layout of information for my client, and I came across your website.
You offer a great wealth of information and I'm sure that I'll make future visits to your site.
Best wishes,
Audrea Walker
audrea #at# earthlink #dot# net |
November 9, 2001
I'm a guy just starting out in the mortgage business world. I just wanted to say, is the best website I've seen. It has provided me with a lot of useful information.
Now I feel more confident about my profession.
Thank you.
David Lau
dklau2000 #at# yahoo #dot# com |
November 11, 2001
I am a real estate professional who is always cruising the net for sites which are informative and exciting for my clients and me. Yours meet that criteria. I especially enjoyed your links. I wish to applaud your site.
Be proud of your accomplishments.
Mary Ellen Salzano
maryellen_salzano #at# yahoo #dot# com |
26, 2006
I recently used your Historical Mortgage
Data to assist me in documenting rates over the last 13 years. Your website was invaluable and made the search for the data so easy I almost felt like I had missed something.
Thanks again for providing the information and making it available to the public.
Brian Cramer
bcramer #at# tarrantcounty #dot# com |
May 7, 2004
I was searching for the last 10 years of 91-day T-Bill rates for back testing a bond trading model and guess where I found them? On your web site, with guidance from a Google search.
Thank you very much. You saved me a lot of time and searching.
Paul Cunningham
paul #at# icon #dot# net |
September 21, 2000
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I searched for over 2 hours trying to find a site that shows the current and historical value of all the common mortgage
indexes. Great to compare indices and determine the better mortgage.
Keep up the great work. Much success.
A happy surfer,
Bruce Riddle
briddle1 #at# aol #dot# com |
October 1, 1999
I have found your web site the most informative site to answer those hard to answer questions on the various government loans. I have not been that involved in government loans, but we are embarking on going into those programs to be more competitive. Just want to say thank you for a job well done in providing information to us government loan neophytes.
Larry E. Terry
MTerry2872 #at# aol #dot# com |
February 29, 2000
Thanks for the site - it's been really helpful in selecting a mortgage. I found especially useful the charts showing historical data on the different indices.
Jacob Spoelstra
jas #at# hnc #dot# com |
March 17, 2006
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy using your site. Have been in the mortgage business for many years, have used your site (for free) the past few years. The rate forecast has been very handy with neg am borrowers. I almost feel guilty for using it for free and having it pay such a crucial role in my business.
Emmett Moore
emmett #at# padremortgage #dot# com |
February 17, 2000
I am a 15 year sub prime mortgage
manager. Fantastic site. Helpful for training mortgage professionals.
Dwayne Burks
dwayneburks #at# gridusa #dot# net
October 27, 2004
I am entering the mortgage field after 31 yrs. in landscape business. Needless to say the amount of facts, qualifications and general knowledge is overwhelming. I found your site 3 days ago and have been on it ever since. Thank you for making reasoning and terms of how and why mortgage system is made up easier. Will continue to view site and refer it to other newcomers in the learning stages of my new
John Spagnolo
jjspag #at# cs #dot# com |
January 18, 2002
This is the best Internet web site on the subject matter of mortgages and related issues that I have ever come across. I am so thankful thanks to this powerful resource, I believe I will have most if not all the necessary tools to tackle the task of purchasing my first apartment!
Thank you. I will pass your URL on to my friends and colleagues.
Nancy Soto
nsoto #at# telcordia #dot# com |
September 11, 2002
This site is great. I've been talking to 4-5 loan agents, trying to surf thru the
crap, to get my house refinanced. Between those who obviously have their own motives and those who really don't know what they're talking about, I was getting pretty frustrated. Your site cleared up several issues and terms (esp. liked the arm index explanation) so now I can talk intelligently and make an informed decision!
Thanks Again. You probably saved me several thousand dollars!
cis039a #at# yahoo #dot# com |
August 4, 2004
Just a quick note to say your website is GREAT! I will be back many times as I try to understand the complex world of mortgages.
Thank You.
Doug Michie
dougmichie #at# hotmail #dot# com |
February 24, 2005
Just dropping you a quick email to tell you how much I enjoyed your website. I've just started a new job writing articles for an Internet company in the UK. Recently I've been doing research on debt and mortgages and I came across your site, it provided me with just the right amount of info that I needed and thanks to you I know just that little bit more about mortgages and debt.
Kind Regards,
Ellise Walsh
ellise #at# strangelogic #dot# co #dot# uk |