How Much Will Your Monthly Mortgage
Payments Be? Lets you determine monthly mortgage payments and see complete amortization tables.
{ How Amortization Works }
How Advantageous Are Extra Payments? By
making additional monthly payments you will be able to repay your loan much more quickly. Find out how your monthly, yearly,
or one-time pre-payments influence the loan term and the interest paid over the life of loan. Make additional 1/12 of monthly payments (a popular
'do-it-yourself' biweekly) or an additional monthly payment once a year.
Simple Option ARM Calculator Computes
minimum, interest-only and fully amortizing 30-, 15- and 40-year payments.
Advanced Option ARM Calculator with Minimum Payment
Change Cap Allows you to create a complete option ARM loan amortization table (with standard and neg-am recasts,
automatically estimated possible future index changes, various fixed payment periods, interest rate rounding to the nearest 1/8 of one percentage, and more).
See what happens if you always select the minimum payment option.
{ Please see: Using Pay Option ARM Calculator ~ Examples }
Which ARM Index Is Better? Can
be used as a mortgage (ARM) index comparison tool. Lets you find the right index + margin
combination based on the lowest interest cost.
Mortgage Pre-Qualifier Mortgage Pre-Qualifier
will determine the income required to qualify for the particular loan using the specified qualifying ratios.
How Much Can You Borrow? The calculator lets you
see how various changes to your income, liabilities, and mortgage terms affect the loan amount you can borrow.
Blended Rate Calculator Calculates a first and
second mortgage blended rate.
'True bi-weekly' payment calculator Prints yearly
amortization tables. With bi-weekly payments, you pay half of the monthly mortgage payment every 2 weeks, rather than the full balance once a month. This is
comparable to 13 monthly payments a year, which can result in faster payoff and lower overall interest costs.
'true bi-weekly' payment calculator Builds complete bi-weekly amortization tables.
bi-weekly vs standard bi-weekly Shows how much you will save if you calculate interest for two-week intervals and apply the bi-weekly payments less the
interest to reduce principal every two weeks, instead of having your money withdrawn from your bank account every two weeks by your lender and making a full
mortgage payment once a month plus one additional payment once a year out of a special account, managed by the lender. Complete amortization tables are
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Professor's Calculators
Extra Payments
Adjustable Rate Mortgages
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