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Mortgage Lead Generation Program For Lenders: Lead Generation Program: Disadvantages


The primary advantage and a large disadvantage of our leads is their real-time delivery. Despite the fact that each lead is automatically screened for completeness and the obviously bogus and duplicate leads are filtered out, our system cannot provide 100% quality control of every lead supplied, so you will definitely receive a number of 'bad' leads (non-existent persons, bounced emails, disconnected phone numbers, etc). Though we will credit your account for such 'bad' leads, it's very frustrating to receive them.

Another disadvantage is that some borrowers are, unfortunately, less than polite. You may even receive responses from an extremely rude prospect, saying they never filled out any 'questionnaire' and you are not to contact them again. Applicants may hang up on you after you identify yourself, or appear to be mortgage brokers looking for wholesale lenders. Please prepare yourself for working with our leads patiently.

In addition,  it should be noted that the volume of leads we can provide is rather low.

Nevertheless, our leads have been proven 'workable' and the Program effective and beneficial for both the borrower and the mortgage professional.

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